Star Wars: Sci-Fi Epic Is Laugh Factory

I laugh my head off at Star Wars. Don't you? Check out some of the funniest moments. Read more»

Is Captain Kirk the New Dr. Who or James Bond?

Chris Pine here's some advice. Don't get comfortable in your spiffy Starfleet uniform. If Hollywood history is a reliable guide, in a few years, you'll be out of a job as Captain Kirk.... Read more.

Legendary Stars of Original Battlestar Galactica

Original Battlestar Galactica played amongst the stars and the featured guest stars were some of Hollywood's biggest and brightest celebrities. Read more»

What Star Trek's Gene Roddenberry Thought of UFO's & Psychic Powers

Gene Roddenberry created the sci-fi epic Star Trek. What did this science fiction master think of UFO's and Psychic powers? Read more»

Battlestar Galactica's Richard Hatch Interview

My chat with Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica touched on acting, personal motivation and tree climbing. Yep, tree climbing... Read more.

Coolest Star Trek Gadgets Turn Real

We all love the toys of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. You may be surprised just how close we've come to this technology in the real world.

Versions of Phasers, Communicators and Tricorders now exist... Read more.

Star Trek: Voyager Vs. Space: 1999: Battle of the Sexy Space Babes!

Who's your sexy space babe? Seven of Nine or Maya? Jeri Ryan or Catherine Schell? Read more.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Nana Visitor Chat

Fans will love my chat with Nana Visitor who played Major Kira on Deep Space Nine. Read More

NASA's Dr. Marc Rayman Talks Space Travel & Sci-Fi

Science and science fiction feed one another. Dr. Marc Rayman, Chief Propulsion Engineer at NASA talks real science and sci-fi like Star Trek & Star Wars. Read more»

Do You Really Need a Robot?

Danger Will Robinson! - Robot - Lost In Space

Was the robot from the TV series speaking about himself? Robots have been coming for decades, now suddenly they're here... Read more.

Star Trek Stars: Actors Who Made it Great

Star Trek's cast members become famous. But guest stars who board the Enterprise are the biggest names in Hollywood... Read more.

Remake of "Metropolis"

One of the earliest and most influential sci-fi films ever will be remade. Metropolis by German film maker Fritz Lang in 1927 dealt with the irresistible power of advanced technology and its role in future society. If you don't know the name, it's likely you recognize the iconic image of robot MARIA.

MARIA stands the test of time as hauntingly beautiful - I can't see how you improve on her look. Here's hoping they don't change her much. Read More.

The Most Important Starships of Star Trek

Star Trek's most famous space vessel is the Starship Enterprise. First under command of Captain Pike, then Captain Kirk and later in the next generation, it fell under command of Captain Picard. Starships named Enterprise are favored ships indeed... Read more.

Star Wars: What's the Darth Vader Nip/Tuck Effect?

Sith Lords lack health care. It's a sad comment on the state of the Empire, that Darth Vader can't afford plastic surgery.

Darth Vader is a horribly disfigured man who - despite an ultra advanced society brimming with mind-bending technology - won't haul his cloaked butt to a plastic surgeon or participating HMO... Read more.

Margot Kidder's Lois Lane as Important as Chris Reeve's Superman

Let's face it; Lois Lane doesn't get much respect.

She's Superman's main squeeze; a tough, news scooping reporter whose Daily Planet boss Perry White lets her tackle anything because she knows a good reporter doesn't get great stories, a good reporter makes them great. As tough love mentor to Man of Steel's alter ego Clark Kent, she juggles showing him the journalistic ropes, while ensuring he doesn't get too big for his incognito britches... Read more.

Lucille Ball: Mom of Sci-Fi Classic Star Trek

I Love Lucy is often regarded as the most beloved sitcom ever. Star Trek is often regarded as the most beloved sci-fi television show ever. What do they have in common? Lucille Ball... Read More.

Star Trek & Star Wars: Sci-Fi Titans Compared

Star Trek & Star Wars - those star spawned sagas shadow each other like a cloaked Romulan Warbird trailing Bobba Fett's bounty hunter ship Slave One

As a sci-fi fan and writer, I'm inevitably asked which I like better. Since I penned episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, the answer may be obvious. However, long before I was in the credits of a Star Trek episode, I preferred seeing the Starship Enterprise go into warp to watching the Millennium Falcon burst into hyperspace... Read More.

Sci-Fi Can Be Pretty Damn Funny

Spaceships, aliens and stand-up comics? Science Fiction is funny.

Click below for some spacey laughs.